The Egg Theory
The Egg Theory of the Aging Human Body
So here is the deal. The egg theory is simple. As we age we should treat our body like a fresh egg. Accordingly, there are some pretty simple rules to follow to coincide with this theory.
1. Fresh eggs do not do well in extreme cold. When I was a boy, we had some chickens and on cold winter mornings we would collect the eggs out of the hen house and on some occasions the eggs would be frozen solid. Freezing eggs is not good for them if you actually intend to use them later on.
Its a long established but not an honestly practiced Biblical principle that God gave us spirits to help our lives.
1. Fresh eggs do not do well in extreme cold. When I was a boy, we had some chickens and on cold winter mornings we would collect the eggs out of the hen house and on some occasions the eggs would be frozen solid. Freezing eggs is not good for them if you actually intend to use them later on.
Frozen Eggs are nasty and it does them no favors.
Rule#1 As you age don't let your body get too cold.
Cold racks the bones tightens your muscles up. You can slip on the ice, wrench muscles, fall and break bones (another part of the theory). Stay in the happy 65-80 degree range if you can.
Johns Hopkins supports this part of my theory.
JohnsHopkins Health Alert about Cold
2. Fresh Eggs also do not do well if they get too warm. Obviously if you get an egg warm enough you cook it so then it is no longer an egg, but a colloid. However on the other hand if you let an egg stay just a little too warm for too long it is no longer a good egg.
Warm eggs are not fresh eggs.
Rule#2 As you age getting over heated is bad.
Constantly pushing the temperature up in your body by over exertion is just going to hasten misery later on. Ease into old age. Light exercise not overly vigorous exercise is the key. Stay out of the heat when you can.
Check out this article that verifies this part of my theory.
Read the Article
3. Don't be rough with a fresh egg.
We all know how easy it is to crack an egg. They did not develop special containers for eggs because they are so tough. An aging human body is no different...don't be stupid.
Broken eggs are no longer fresh eggs!
Rule#3 Be gentle with your body.
There comes a time in your life when all the doctors in the world can't put you back together again. This also extends to harsh treatment of your body over time. For the vast majority of us out here, training to run marathons in your 50's and 60's is just not a good idea. Running heavily at an older age can wear out cartilage that does not get replaced unless it is by something fake. Other things like bones and even cuts to your skin just don't heal like they did when you were in your 30's or even 40's. Ease up and ease into old age. Enjoy life, and don't beat yourself to death just because you want to show everyone you're still young and can still do it. All you are really proving is that after all this time you are still a dumb bunny.
Check out the link.
Read the Artcile
4. When all else fails pickle the egg.
For ages it has been well established that the only way to preserve an egg long term was to give up and just pickle it. Pickling has long been a way to keep perishable food around longer than it would normally be kept. In the case of people there are some advantages. A bit of pickling helps us cope with the inevitable.Pickled eggs love company.
Rule#4 Alcohol in your diet is good for your egg.
Its a long established but not an honestly practiced Biblical principle that God gave us spirits to help our lives.
I Tim 5:23
No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.
You cause the grass to grow for the livestock
and plants for man to cultivate,
that he may bring forth food from the earth
and wine to gladden the heart of man,
oil to make his face shine
and bread to strengthen man's heart.
So with my day's exercise I dump on you a little wisdom from my laundry room. Getting old is truly a state of mind in many aspects. As we move on in life the key is to enjoy what you have been given and take care of it. Keep reading and learning. Definitely employ a little light exercise. Enjoy good food, but stop hitting the all you can eat buffet. There is no harm with finishing off the day with a moderate indulgence (bowl of ice cream, shot of whiskey or a cigar) This is all part of leading a happy and normal life. Ease into old age, don't let it slap you in the face like mad wife.
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