Repost for posterity:The Undeniable Facts About the Safety of Diet Coke

The Undeniable Facts About the Safety of Diet Coke by Julie R. Neidlinger, Lone Prairie I sat down at the table with friends, enjoying our get-together at the diner. The waitress took my order for a Diet Coke. She left. A friend spoke up. “They say that Diet Coke increases your chance of getting diabetes by a factor of seven.” “I heard people were getting seizures from the aspartame in it.” “Today the news said a lady died after drinking 10 liters of Coke.” “That’s nice. Enjoy your glass of city water filled with chemicals like fluoride,” I replied. Are you kidding me? Not much for alcohol. Never smoked. Don’t do drugs, and barely take aspirin. I exercise at the gym three times a week. I walk to work briskly every day, which comes to around 3/4 of a mile daily. When I get home, I try to avoid sitting and work at a standing desk. I go for walks when weather allows. I don’t eat much red meat at all, mainly poultry if any. I drink plenty of water, and often it ...