
My boss has frequently told me I have the thickest skin of any guy he has ever worked with. I do not have a thick skin. Insults hurt me as much as the next guy. I have patience. Even then I still flip out on a regular basis. I do not have the patience to wait. I feel bad because sometimes the only place I show my impatience is with the people I love the most. It is a bit crazy that we are at our worst when we are the most secure. Those people that really know us will understand and forgive us so all hell can break loose, right? Not right. This Christmas I will spend on the road, away from those that I care about the most. It will be a day of patience as I deal every day with men who are not where they want to be. They want to be home with their families, with friends and familiar surroundings. These are men who exhibit on a moment by moment basis a lack of patience, but because of their need find themselves right ...