Give as you would like to be given to.
My wife Melanie wrote up this little note about giving and helping people. I thought I would share it here. Decide to give. Many people love to give at Christmas and there are plenty of people who need help or a pick me up. Over the years Bob and I have helped a few people get over tough spots in their lives. Here are a few tips to help you give without making the receiver wished you had never helped. Give without conditions. Give the help without strings. If someone needs help they rarely can pay you back. It's tough to have thanksgiving with your banker. Instead let it be a gift and tell them if they feel obligated to just pay it forward. There is always someone more needy than they are. Give and move on. Truly care for the people you help. This helps you not get the attitude of "I can now lord over you because I helped you with a $700 car repair". If you have a problem getting angry with the persons lifestyle choices ie; they smoke and waste money and if...