Fame and Fortune....and all that goes with it.
One has to wonder why anyone would want fame and fortune. "It’s no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise". We revere the beautiful famous people because they make us laugh or escape a little from what we may perceive as insignificant lives. However, for many of them, their lives are lives of turmoil and despair that would make one wonder why do we elevate and celebrate such people? Robin Williams is the latest of such tragic lives, allegedly having committed suicide. The story this morning is that his depression was sourced in his fading fame. So why would you want to set your child up for this? Why would you want to work so hard to get somewhere in life, to be wealthy beyond most people's dreams only to find that in this is based no happiness, but fear and decadence? The fear of not having it anymore, or the decadence of having few repercussions to your actions. I guess it would make me feel proud that everyone knew my child, but see how rapidly fame turns to in...